Guanyin Pearls (Classical Pearl)




The design of Guanyin Pearls reflects a unique approach to a wide array of menopausal and post-menopausal issues. It combines the conventional yin tonic approach to hot flashes with the yang tonic Qianyang Dan (Submerge the Yang Pellet), a 19th century modification of the classical Fuzi Lizhong Tang (Rectify the Middle Decoction with Aconite) by the scholar-physician Zheng Qinan, revered founder of the Fire Spirit School.

Zheng Qin-an and his remaining disciples interpret flushes of heat and other signs of upward mobility in the elderly as a leaking of the Kidney battery, which requires a drawing back of the life force into the lower dantian. This downward anchoring effect is accomplished by combining aconite and amomum. In younger women, Guanyin Pearls can be used to promote healthy fertility function, but should be discontinued as soon as pregnancy has been achieved.

90 capsules, 500 mg each

serving size: 3 caps

ingredients: proprietary blend containing pure herbal extracts

rnrnAconitum carmichaelii lateral root cured (Fuzi)

Ligustrum lucidum fruit (Nuzhenzi)

Eclipta prostate aerial parts (Hanliancao)

Lilium brownii bulb (Baihe)

Cuscuta chinensis seed (Tusizi)

Anemarrhena asphodeloides rhizome (Zhimu)

Epimedium brevicornum aerial parts (Yinyanghuo)

Curculigo orchioides rhizome (Xianmao)

Eleutherococcus senticosus root (Ciwujia)

Zingiber officinale rhizome prepared (Paojiang)

Amomum villosum fruit (Sharen)

Glycyrrhiza glabra root honey-fried (Zhi Gancao)

rnrnOther ingredients: living green clay excipient

vegetable capsule


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