Counterflow Pearls (Classical Pearl)




The design of Counterflow Pearls is based on the classical remedy Xuanfu Daizhe Tang (Inula and Hematite Decoction), which first appeared in Zhang Zhongjings 2nd century herb primer, Shanghan lun (Treatise on Disorders Caused by Cold). Similar to its better known sister remedy, Banxia Xiexin Tang, it can restore counterflow of stomach qi that manifests as belching, hiccupping and heart burn.

Due to the particular affinity of inula flower to the heart, (the ancient herb text Tangye jing classified inula as a substance representing fire within fire), it is best suited to address the unique relationship of heart and stomach, which in cases of chronic reversal of stomach qi can result in the more serious pathology of elevated blood pressure. The addition of the 18th century remedies Yiguan Jian (Linking Decoction) and the 19th century Danshen Yin (Salvia Drink) also makes it suitable for patients suffering from pain in the chest or solarplexus region.

Together, the herbs in this formula represent one of the more moistening combinations in the Classical Pearl series, and can treat a wide variety of disorders that require the tonification of yin of the stomach, lung, heart, and/or liver networks.

90 capsules per bottle, 500mg each

serving size: 3 caps

ingredients: proprietary blend containing pure herbal extracts

rnrnZingiber officinale rhizome (Shengjiang)

Lycium chinense fruit (Gouqizi)

Salvia miltiorrhiza root (Danshen)

Polygonum multiflorum root (Heshouwu)

Ophiopogon japonicus root (Maimendong)

Glehnia littoralis root (Beishashen)

Prunella vulgaris fruit spike (Xiakucao)

Inula japonica flower (Xuanfuhua)

Pinellia ternata rhizome cured (Jiang Banxia)

Ziziphus jujuba fruit (Dazao)

Glycyrrhiza glabra root (Gancao)

Melia toosendan fruit (Chuanlianzi)

Amomum villosum fruit (Xi Sharen)

Haematitum (Daizheshi)

Pteria martensii pearl (Zhenzhu)

rnrnOther ingredients: living green clay excipient

vegetable capsule


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