Dragon Pearls (Classical Pearl)




Dragon Pearls are designed to address a wide variety of acute inflammatory conditions, regardless of their pathogenic classification. It is common in modern TCM to use cold and bitter herbs to fight pathogens. While Dragon Pearls does indeed contain a strong selection of bitter substances, in the specific form of two 1,850 year old Shanghan lun (Treatise on Disorders Caused by Cold) remedies classified as clearing yangming heat (Xiexin Tang and Yinchenhao Tang), there are three additional features that make this remedy unique:

(1) Its lead herbs are provided by the Qing dynasty remedy Dai Ge San (Indigo and Cyclina Powder), which contains cold and salty materials that make it particularly suitable for pathogens that reside deeply in the body or are of highly recalcitrant quality;

(2) it employs the rare Daoist herb Guijianyu (Euonymus; literally: The Arrow that Kills All Demons) for maximum and broad-spectrum anti-pathogenic effect;

(3) it features the hot remedy Sini Tang (Frigid Extremities Decoction) to counterbalance the cold effect of the other herbs, prevent damage to the bodys vital forces, and put to use the strong anti-pathogenic effect of the Caowu subspecies of aconite. The dragon image is a reference to Chinas ancient oracle bone script, where the term dragon stood for both life-threatening invader as well as (restored) vitality. Dragon Pearls are best used in combination with other formulas, and normally not suited for long-term consumption.

90 capsules per bottle, 500 mg each

serving size: 3 caps

ingredients: proprietary blend containing pure herbal extracts

rnrnIndigofera tinctoria (Qingdai)

Artemisia capillaris young shoot (Yinchenhao)

Euonymus alatus (Guijianyu)

Aconitum kusnezoffii root (Caowu)

Scutellaria baicalensis root (Huangqin)

Gardenia jasminoides fruit (Zhizi)

Cyclinae sinensis (Haigefen)

Zingiber officinale rhizome fresh (Shengjiang)

Coptis chinensis rhizome (Huanglian)

Rheum officinale root cured (shu Dahuang)

Glycyrrhiza glabra root (Gancao)

rnrnOther ingredients: living green clay excipient

vegetable capsule


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