Ease Pearls (Classical Pearl)




The comprehensive design of Ease Pearls is an attempt to combine the qi moving, detoxifying and emotional harmonizing benefits of the two most famous and effective bupleurum formulas in Chinese medicine.

It unites the 3rd century remedy Xiao Chaihu Tang (Minor Bupleurum Decoction) and the 12th century remedy Xiaoyao San (Ease Powder), and is further enhanced by the drying and descending effect of Banxia Houpo Tang and the moistening effect of Shengmai San. Both base remedies address congestion of the shaoyang system (Gallbladder and Triple Warmer), with a particular focus on treating and preventing all problems that can be classified as Wood over-controlling Earth.In general, Ease Pearls can be used as a crucial base or add-on remedy whenever the use of bupleurum is required.

It is particularly suitable for all pathologies that can be classified with the terms Liver qi stagnation or shaoyang disorder, ranging from acute ear aches to chronic conditions such as PMS, or hot and cold sensations in Lyme disease patients.

90 capsules, 500 mg each

serving size: 3 cap

ingredients: proprietary blend containing pure herbal extracts

rnrnBupleurum chinense root (Chaihu)

Ophiopogon japonicus tuber (Maimendong)

Paeonia lactiflora root (Baishao)

Wolfiporia cocos sclerotium (Fushen)

Pinellia ternata rhizome cured (Fa Banxia)

Glehnia littoralis root (Bei Shashen)

Scutellaria baicalensis root (Huangqin)

Ziziphus jujuba fruit (Dazao)

Angelica sinensis root (Danggui)

Atractylodes macrocephala rhizome (Baizhu)

Zingiber officinale rhizome fresh (Shengjiang)

Perilla frutescens leaf (Zisuye)

Magnolia officinalis bark (Houpo)

Glycyrrhiza glabra root (Gancao)

rnrnOther ingredients: living green clay excipient

vegetable capsule


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