Water Pearls (90 Caps) (Classical Pearl)




Water Pearls complements Classical Pearls trademark aconite approach to chronic Spleen/Kidney weakness with a rehmannia based remedy. Its design is based on the 17th century Daoist remedy Yanling Guben Dan (Extend Life and Fortify the Source Pellet), a food grade tonic that represents an extension of the classical 2nd century formula Shenqi Wan (Kidney Qi Pill).

It is overall more moistening than the constitutional Kidney tonics that feature aconite as their chief ingredient. Water Pearls are suitable for chronic Kidney deficiency issues and it has an overall anti-aging effect.

90 capsules, 500 mg each

serving size: 3 caps

ingredients: proprietary blend containing pure herbal extracts

rnrnLycium chinense fruit (Gouqizi)

Ophiopogon japonicas tuber (Maimendong)

Rehmannia glutinosa root (sheng Dihuang)

Rehmannia glutinosa root cured (shu Dihuang)

Cornus officinalis fruit (Shanzhuyu)

Dioscorea oppositifolia rhizome (Shanyao)

Cuscuta chinensis seed (Tusizi)

Loranthus parasiticus tig and leaf (Sangjisheng)

Wolfiporia cocos sclerotium (Fushen)

Alisma plantago-aquatica rhizome (Zexie)

Achyranthes bidentata root (Huai Niuxi)

Plantago asiatica seed (Cheqianzi)

Ootheca mantidis (Sangpiaoxiao)

Rubus chingii fruit (Fupenzi)

Schisandra chinensis fruit (Wuweizi)

Cinnamomum loureiroi bark (Vietnam Rougui)

Aconitum carmichaelii accessory root cured (Fuzi)

Sparganium eurycarpum rhizome (Sanleng)

Curcuma kwangsiensis rhizome (Ezhu)

rnrnOther ingredients: living green clay excipient

vegetable capsule


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