Mental Benefits of Acupuncture

A woman receiving an acupuncture treatment for her back at a spa.

It is well known that the therapy of Acupuncture in Brooklyn has many benefits for physical pains and issues in the body. However, not that many people know that acupuncture has mental benefits as well, such as improving full body conditions as well. Acupuncture targets specific body parts by stimulating hormone levels in the body,…

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Acupuncture Ups Melatonin And Improves Sleep Finding

Deep tissue massage for neck stiffness

Acupuncture has been found effective for the alleviation of insomnia in modern research. Several investigations make important clinical findings. The first piece of research covered in this article finds acupuncture superior to placebo controls. The second study finds acupuncture effective for improving sleep, reducing anxiety, and increasing neurohormonal endogenous secretions of melatonin. Acupuncture was found…

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Having Insomnia? Waking up in the middle of night?

A mesmerizing yin yang wheel showcasing various forms of yin yang, including one inspired by the concept of insomnia.

Insomnia is a common problem. Ever wonder why you are waking in the middle of the night? This Chinese medicine clock shows the optimal times of each organ and its function. The ideal time for sleep is between 10pm to 3am. There different stages of sleep. Between 1-3am is the livers’ time to clean and…

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