Acupuncture & Massage: The Easiest Way to Numb Pain and Get Relaxed

chineese acupunture

Feeling the aches and pains of everyday life? Do sore muscles and creaky joints make it hard to enjoy all that Brooklyn has to offer? Well, the healing power of ancient arts like acupuncture and massage can help relieve what’s ailing you at Bonafide Acupuncture & Herbs. Bonafide specializes in treatments based on Traditional Chinese Medicine to get your energy flowing…

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10 Reasons to Embrace Acupuncture for Better Health

Acupuncture for sports injuries

Have you ever wondered how the gentle act of pressing needles into your skin could be the secret to feeling better? Often, we associate needles with painful experiences. Don’t we? But what if I tell you that it is nothing like getting a shot in the doctor’s office but a journey to a holistic healing…

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Mental Benefits of Acupuncture

A woman receiving an acupuncture treatment for her back at a spa.

It is well known that the therapy of Acupuncture in Brooklyn has many benefits for physical pains and issues in the body. However, not that many people know that acupuncture has mental benefits as well, such as improving full body conditions as well. Acupuncture targets specific body parts by stimulating hormone levels in the body,…

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Can Acupuncture Help Arthritis Pain?

A woman with acupuncture needles relieving arthritis in her shoulder.

One of the biggest benefits of acupuncture treatment is pain relief. Many patients who suffer from acute, neuropathic, chronic, and even radicular pain can sense relief from these treatments – so people who suffer from arthritis can also turn here for help.  Arthritis is one of the leading causes of disability in the US, and…

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Acupuncture Neck Pain Finding

A woman experiencing relief from neck pain through acupuncture needles.

Acupuncture is effective for the alleviation of neck pain due to cervical spondylosis, a disorder caused by intervertebral disc degeneration. Researchers determined that electroacupuncture provides optimal therapeutic results when compared with manual acupuncture. Electroacupuncture produced a 96.67% total effective rate and manual acupuncture produced an 86.7% total effective rate. After completion of all acupuncture treatments,…

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Bay Ridge Acupuncture and Massage Helped People with Back Pain Walk and Bend Better

A person receiving acupuncture treatment for back pain.

Back pain sufferers who got electroacupuncture had improvements in walking comfortably, standing for longer periods, bending, and kneeling. A double-blinded randomized trial of electroacupuncture found it may result in a modest improvement in daily functioning for those with chronic back pain, though it provided little pain relief. Conducting Research for Back Pain Acupuncture in Bay…

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Trial Finds Acupuncture May Help Prevent Migraines

A person receiving an acupressure treatment for migraines.

The Chinese study “helps to move acupuncture from having an unproven status in complementary medicine to an acceptable evidence-based treatment,” said Dr. Heather Angus-Leppan, a neurologist who wrote an editorial that was published with the study in the BMJ on March 25. “We now have good evidence that acupuncture is an effective treatment for episodic migraine,” said…

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Acupuncture Alleviates Knee Arthritis Confirmed

A woman is holding her knee with an image of a knee, demonstrating signs of arthritis.

Acupuncture has been found effective for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis (KOA) in a controlled clinical trial conducted at Ziyang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The investigation ranged from January 2018 to September 2019. The researchers determined that electroacupuncture applied along the Shaoyang meridian, complemented with functional training, markedly promotes pain relief as well as…

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Acupuncture Shoulder & Neck Pain Relief

A woman with acupuncture needles on her shoulder receiving treatment for neck pain.

Acupuncture is effective for shoulder pain relief. Two independent investigations find acupuncture effective for the alleviation of scapulohumeral periarthritis, which involves inflammation of the shoulder region (including the tendons, muscles, and bursa). Both investigations determined that acupuncture successfully improves shoulder function and reduces or eliminates pain. Panjin Central Hospital, researchers conclude that “acupuncture can significantly…

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