Acupuncture for Preventing Complications after Hysterectomy

A person undergoing acupuncture treatment after a hysterectomy.

Cervical cancer, with an estimated 600,000 new cases diagnosed worldwide annually, ranks second in women’s malignant diseases. Accounting for one-third of the world’s total annual new cases, 83.9% of cervical cancer in China accepted surgical treatment. The procedure is associated with significant perioperative morbidity, followed by some unavoidable complications. Bladder dysfunction (including sensory loss, incontinence,…

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Acupuncture Painkilling Effects For Sinus Surgery​​

A person's hand with an acupuncture needle on it, targeting sinus pressure for relief.

Acupuncture exerts anesthetic effects and reduces requirements for anesthetic drug use during endoscopic sinus surgery. Researchers from the Shuguang Affiliated Hospital (Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine) combined acupuncture with general anesthesia. Patients receiving both general anesthesia and acupuncture in a combined treatment protocol had superior patient outcomes compared with patients receiving only anesthetic drugs.…

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