$22.25 prices exclusive of tax



Nipple chapping and cracking are variously called ru tou po sui, nipple cracking, ru tou jun lie, nipple chapping, ru tou feng, nipple wind, and ru xian, suckling lichen.

According to Liang Jian-hui, in A Handbook of Chinese Dermatology (Blue Poppy Press, 1993): Failure to discharge liver fire and accumulation of damp heat in the yang ming are the causes. It is also believed that the baby’s suckling and the stimulation of their saliva are also factors.

According to Yang Shi-Xing and Qiao Cheng-Lin, in Zhong Yi Fu Ke Zhi Liao Shou Ce – “A Handbook of Chinese Medical Gynecological Treatments”,(Shanxi Science & Technology Press, Xian, 1991): “The disease mechanisms are due to depression and anger damaging the liver or liver channel damp heat smoldering and binding. Treatment should course the liver and resolve depression or clear heat and disinhibit dampness.”

However, all Chinese medicinal formulas for the external treatment of this condition primarily clear heat, moisten dryness, and stop pain and itching. This formula is a minor modification of a formula found in Wang Jin- Quan and Cai Yu-Hua’s, Nu Bing Wai Zhi Liang Fang Miao Fa.

Patent Formula Name

Chapped Nipple Ointment

Alternative Name

Product Line

Blue Poppy

Dosage Forms


Unit Size

.5 oz.


Apply several times per day directly onto affected nipple(s). Wash the nipple(s) with soap before breast-feeding.

Allergy Warning

Treatment Principle





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