Herbal Medicine Mental Illness Relief

December 24, 2020

Herbal Medicine Mental Illness Relief

Chinese herbal medicine is an effective measure for the treatment of mental disorders. Independent investigations find Chinese herbal medicine effective for the reduction of symptoms associated with a type of mental illness, termed Bai He disease within the traditional Chinese medicine system. Researchers note that Bai He disease directly correlates to the modern diagnostic term psychoneurosis. 

The name Bai He disease is used because of the effectiveness of the Bai He herb for the treatment of mental illness. Specific symptoms vary based on individual presentations. Common symptoms of Bai He disease include headaches, frequent mood swings, emotional volatility, anxiety, depression, insomnia, a bitter or dry sensation in the mouth, and dull pain in the abdominal area. Some patients also experience a sudden loss of appetite. 

According to traditional Chinese medicine principles, various presentations of Bai He disease involve internal imbalances, including rising yang and deficient yin in the body. A modern correlate to this ancient principle is the presence of endogenous biochemical and metabolism imbalances. Other endogenous imbalances of heart and liver qi contribute to Bai He disease. External factors, such as weather changes and overwhelming stressful pressures, also create imbalances in the body’s natural rhythms and impair psychological defenses.

Additionally, for patients with obsessive mental alertness, Long Gu and Mu Li were added. For patients suffering from headaches, Yu Jin and He Huan Pi were also put into the prescription. The ingredients serve to moisten the lungs, nourish the heart, and tonify the qi. Excess heat is reduced and therefore the yin-yang balance is restored.

Another herbal formula using Bai He as the chief herb is Bai He Da Zao. This formula was used in an investigation of intractable cases of Bai He disease at two hospitals in Beijing. 

Prior to the treatment, the majority of the patients had already taken oryzanol, vitamins, and valium; however, the symptoms persisted. 

For patients experiencing an excessive thirst sensation, Gua Lou Gen, Zhi Mu, and Sha Shen were added. 

The results of the aforementioned studies show that using Chinese herbal medicines, such as Bai He (a type of lily), can be part of an effective solution for the treatment of certain mental illnesses. Licensed acupuncturists often incorporate this herb into herbal formulas for the treatment of insomnia, irritability, mental restlessness, palpitations, chronic coughing, and chronic low grade fevers. According to principles, Bai He (Lilii Bulbus) is a yin tonifying herb that is cool, sweet, slightly bitter, and enters the heart and lung channels. Bai He nourishes and moistens lung yin, clears lung heat, and stops coughing. Bai He calms the spirit, indicating this herb is beneficial for patients with mental illness treatment needs.

Shi Shasha, Zhou Yongxue. An analysis of the name and treatment of the Baihe disease in Jingui Yaolve, Clinical Journal of Chinese Medicine 2019.