Common Myths About Acupuncture & Massage Therapy Debunked!

August 9, 2024

Common Myths About Acupuncture & Massage Therapy Debunked!

Feeling stressed out and dealing with anxiety? Looking for a way to escape from the everyday pressures and find ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation? Well, you might want to consider trying out – acupuncture and massage therapy at Bonafide Acupuncture & Herbs. 

While acupuncture and massage therapies have been practiced for centuries in ancient healing traditions, many people still have misconceptions about these evidence-based holistic treatments. Well, let’s clear things up.  In this blog post, we’ll address and debunk some of the most common myths that prevent people from experiencing acupuncture or massage therapies. 

Common Myths About Acupuncture & Massage Therapy

Myth 1: “It’s all in your head”

The idea that massage and acupuncture in Brooklyn are just psychological or “all in your head” is one of the most widespread misconceptions about these therapies. While the placebo effect cannot be denied, numerous scientific studies have proven that these alternative therapies have measurable physiological impacts beyond the mind-body connection.

Acupuncture has been shown to trigger the release of endorphins and other neurotransmitters in the brain, which can help reduce pain and improve mood. Modern research over the past few decades has conclusively proven mechanisms of action for how acupuncture and massage can help treat everything from anxiety and depression to chronic pain, digestive issues, headaches, and more. While the mind plays a role in health and healing, dismissing these therapies as placebo underestimates their multi-layered impacts throughout the body.

acupuncture in Brooklyn

Myth2 : “It’s only for minor issues, not serious diseases”

Some believe alternative modalities can only address minor aches and pains rather than serious health problems. This perception is simply not supported by scientific evidence or real-world patient outcomes.

Acupuncture & Massage therapy is effective for:

  • Addiction recovery:   Acupuncture can help treat substance abuse by relieving cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
  • Fertility: Acupuncture improves IVF success rates and natural conception for couples struggling with infertility.
  • Neurological conditions: Acupuncture effectively reduces migraine frequency and severity as well as other types of chronic headaches.
  • Reduce Anxiety: Massage therapy reduces anxiety, depression, and pain levels in cancer patients.

While conventional care will always be necessary in many scenarios, these holistic therapies provide non-pharmacological options useful alone or alongside mainstream treatment, even for serious, chronic conditions. Quality clinical research repeatedly shows their versatility and effectiveness beyond minor issues.

Myth 3: It’s too expensive compared to over-the-counter options

The perception that natural therapies carry high costs is a common barrier for some seeking alternative care. However, compared to conventional treatments and their associated expenses, acupuncture, and massage are quite affordable options, especially when looking at overall healthcare spending rather than individual session fees.

Acupuncture and massage also address underlying imbalances to prevent issues from recurring long-term, unlike continual band-aid solutions requiring ongoing spending. Studies show integrating natural therapies within conventional treatment models saves the healthcare system money over time by improving outcomes, reducing reliance on costly tests and surgeries, lowering prescription drug use, and mitigating lost work and productivity due to medical issues.

While individual visits seem like an expense, holistic care provides affordable, multi-targeted relief and preventative strategies that pay off through better overall health.

Myth 4 – “I can self-treat at home without professional help.”

It’s true that simple massage techniques and lifestyle changes can provide some benefits for minor complaints at home. However, for addressing complex, recurrent, or severe health problems, seeking a qualified professional therapist is always recommended over DIY self-care. Here are a few key reasons why:

  • Specificity: Trained practitioners understand anatomy, pathologies, and knows exactly where to apply pressure or insert needles based on traditional meridian/acupoint charts. Improper self-treatment can exacerbate issues.
  • Diagnosis: Master’s level or licensed providers conduct intakes to thoroughly evaluate medical histories and current imbalances before customizing treatments. Self-care lacks this critical assessment aspect.
  • Technique: Years of schooling and clinical experience teach precise massage strokes, depths, durations, and instrument handling skills like needle insertion that home therapy cannot replicate.
  • Objectivity: It’s difficult to judge one’s own limits or progress without an outside unbiased perspective. Therapists monitor health changes over many sessions.
  • Safety: Qualified acupuncturists and massage therapists undergo medical training to identify risks and contraindications some self-care guides may miss like endangerment of certain meridians or injuries.

While simple relaxation techniques at home complement professional sessions well, serious or long-term conditions generally require a practitioner’s holistic expertise, oversight, and adjustments over time for maximum healing benefits. A blend provides best results.

acupuncturists and massage therapists

Myth 5 : “Science hasn’t proven they really work.”

Undoubtedly, lack of understanding around the scientific mechanisms and rigorous clinical research on holistic modalities deters some skeptics. However, thousands of modern studies on acupuncture and massage have established clear physiological bases and treatment effectiveness over the past few decades:

  • Neurological impacts: Brain scans demonstrate acupuncture and massage induce measurable changes in sensory, limbic, and reward centers along with hormonal/neural pathways correlated to symptom relief.
  • Anti-inflammatory actions: Research reveals both therapies downregulate inflammation-related genes and biochemical markers playing roles in pain, disease activity, and healing.
  • Randomized controlled trials: The ‘gold standard’ of evidence-based research designs like double-blinded placebo controlled trials validate acupuncture and massage effectively treat over 80 conditions from lower back pain to anxiety when compared to conventional options.
  • Meta-analyses: Large reviews combining all available clinical data consistently note modest yet statistically significant benefits of these modalities for myriad musculoskeletal, neurological, gynecological, and other indications.

As the scientific community continues exploring alternative medicine mechanisms, thousands of published peer-reviewed journal articles and guideline recommendations from organizations like WHO solidify acupuncture and massage as legitimate first-line or adjunctive therapies. While more study is always welcome, existing research undeniably proves real physiological impacts.

Bottom Line

While curiosity and caution regarding unfamiliar therapies are understandable, dismissing acupuncture and massage based on outdated myths ultimately deprives individuals of potentially highly effective natural solutions. 

At Bonafide Acupuncture & Herbs, our qualified acupuncturists and massage therapists take time to understand each client as a unique whole before tailoring non-invasive, drug-free care plans. Let our skilled therapists melt away your tension and revitalize your muscles. For more information, explore our website now.