Discover the Healing Power of Tai Chi in Brooklyn

May 22, 2024

Discover the Healing Power of Tai Chi in Brooklyn

“When the mind becomes peaceful, the body is healthy.” – Bonafide Acupuncture & Herbs

Tai chi, also known as taiji, is a graceful form of exercise that originated in China as a martial art over 600 years ago. At its core, tai chi combines slow, repetitive movements with meditation and deep breathing to promote mental and physical well-being. Today, more and more people in Brooklyn are discovering how practicing tai chi techniques can reduce stress, improve balance and mobility, and potentially even treat or prevent certain health conditions.

If you’re interested in calming your mind and strengthening your body through an ancient Chinese art form, read on to learn about the numerous tai chi exercises in Brooklyn and how Bonafide Acupuncture & Herbs can help you experience the healing benefits of tai chi for yourself.


Tai chi techniques were originally developed as a martial art emphasizing balance, coordination, precision, and natural movement. However, modern medical research has also shown its value as a form of healing exercise to promote holistic health. Some of the top benefits of tai chi practice include:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety: The slow, meditative movements combined with deep breathing help relax both your body and mind. Several studies have found that tai chi lowers levels of cortisol, the “stress hormone” in your body.
  • Improved balance and mobility: The smooth, choreographed forms force you to shift your weight from one leg to the other in a controlled manner, improving ankle strength, range of motion, and overall stability. This can help reduce fall risk in older adults.
  • Enhanced bone health: By bearing weight on one leg at a time through stretching and shifting stances, tai chi has a weight-bearing benefit similar to walking in maintaining bone density and slowing bone loss associated with aging.
  • Better cardiovascular fitness: While tai chi is low impact, continuous practice increases heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and improves circulation through extended movements and focused breathing.
  • Reduced pain from arthritis and fibromyalgia: Gentle weight shifting and rotation of joints through their full range of motion helps lubricate cartilage and strengthen surrounding muscles to reduce flares and stiffness in conditions like osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia.
  • Protection against chronic disease: Several observational studies have linked regular tai chi practice to lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and some cancers due to reduced inflammation and oxidative stress throughout the body.


At Bonafide Acupuncture, their licensed practitioners believe tai chi combines synergistically with traditional Chinese medicine therapies to maximize wellness benefits. Both tai chi and acupuncture work on similar principles of restoring balance to the body’s vital energy, known as chi or qi (chee).

During an acupuncture treatment, ultra-fine stainless steel needles are inserted into specific points along energy meridians to smooth the flow of chi and address root causes of pain or imbalance. Regular practice of tai chi is thought to further enhance this effect by:

  • Improving chi circulation throughout the body through continuous, smooth movements targeting all major muscle groups and joints from head to toe.
  • Calming and focusing the mind allows chi to flow more freely instead of getting blocked by stress, tension, or damaging emotions like anger or fear.
  • Activating acupuncture points through routine stretching and compression, even without needing to sustain relief between treatments.

Some patients at Bonafide Acupuncture even choose to receive acupuncture with Tai Chi Acupuncture Needles inserted, then perform gentle forms and breathing while the very fine needles are in place. This allows chi to flow perfectly along meridian pathways illuminated by the steel needles for amplified healing.


Overall, combining tai chi forms with acupuncture needle therapy or Chinese herbal remedies at Bonafide Acupuncture leverages the strengths of both Eastern therapeutic modalities for synergistic recovery from chronic conditions, reduced inflammation, and return to balance and wellness.


In addition to general stress relief and disease prevention, tai chi can directly help alleviate or potentially reverse certain acute or persistent health conditions due to its mindfulness, breathwork, and specific movements tailored to problem areas. Here are some key ailments it may help:

  • Anxiety and depression: Deep breathing relaxes the nervous system, while simple, meditative motions lift depression and reduce rumination.
  • Chronic pain conditions: Gentle rotation and stretching ease arthritis, fibromyalgia, back pain, and headaches by releasing endorphins, relaxing muscles, and lubricating joints.
  • Heart disease/high blood pressure: Tai chi lowers heart rate, lowering strain on the cardiovascular system, and blood pressure via its aerobic effects and stress relief. Some studies show reduced symptoms of angina too.
  • Osteoporosis: Weight-bearing and flexing postures reinforce bone density and delay or prevent osteoporosis, especially post-menopause.
  • Insomnia: Calming the mind through breathing and flowing poses can help induce relaxation and relieve underlying stresses causing sleep issues.
  • Balance disorders: Tai chi’s focus on coordinated weight shifting between legs and maintaining centeredness enhances control over movement and prevents falls in older adults with balance or vestibular problems.

By addressing underlying causes, whether physical, mental or emotional, regular practice of tai chi can play a meaningful role as both complementary treatment or natural prevention against many chronic ailments.


If you’re ready to experience the life-enhancing benefits of tai chi for yourself, consider attending an introductory class at Bonafide Acupuncture, located at our three Brooklyn clinics. Our licensed acupuncturist instructors will guide you through basic forms and breathing techniques suitable for all fitness levels and health goals.

Interested clients may even choose to receive complementary acupuncture at the same time to enhance relaxation and accelerate recovery using traditional Eastern remedies. Tai chi combined with acupuncture or Chinese herbs provides a powerful 1-2 punch against pain, stress, and impaired wellness.

For Richmond Hill residents, Bonafide Acupuncture also offers occasional workshops and multi-week courses in tai chi techniques in Richmond Ave location. Committed students can progress from fundamentals to advanced-level forms tailored to their energy practice and health goals.

Bonafide Acupuncture’s holistic approach aims to treat the root cause of issues rather than just symptoms. By restoring chi balance and cultivating mindfulness through tai chi’s slow, meditative movements in synergy with time-tested healing modalities, you can move closer to overall health, vitality, and well-being.

Don’t delay discovering your healing potential through the ancient wellness secrets of tai chi. Contact Bonafide Acupuncture today to start your journey back to balance. After all, “The Tao is not practiced for the Tao’s sake. How could the Tao be practiced?”