Find Peace Within: The Healing Power of Acupuncture for Anxiety Depression!

July 2, 2024

Find Peace Within: The Healing Power of Acupuncture for Anxiety Depression!

In modern-day life, you might struggle to balance every aspect, whether it’s your personal or work life. While you are on your toes to work tirelessly to fulfill your desires, your mind wants to slow down and relax. A stressful mind and body can take a toll on your happiness and way of living. Even though you might have attended some counseling sessions, you are still far from achieving results! The flooding of thoughts into your mind can lead to sleepless nights. The good news is that acupuncture for anxiety depression can help you with your never-ending struggle. Say goodbye to the fear and panic that arises due to stressful living! In this blog, you can learn whether acupuncture can treat your anxiety or depression, discover tips to know before you attend acupuncture for anxiety and depression, and find herbal essential oils at Bonafide Acupuncture & Herbs that can help you with a peaceful mind and body.

As per the findings of a latest study published in April 2024, Acupuncture shows greater effectiveness as a single method to treat depression with fewer side effects in comparison to traditional treatments. This conclusion came after four weeks of using acupuncture treatments.

Let’s discover the traditional wisdom to heal your mind and body! Here is all that you need to know about acupuncture!

Can Acupuncture Help You Get Freedom from Anxiety or Depression?

While we are seeing new developments in science, you can’t forget your ancient roots! Acupuncture involves the use of thin needles for healing specific parts of the body. It can help treat your anxiety and depression. Let’s look at how acupuncture can help you to get freedom from anxiety or depression:

1. Controls the Release of Hormones

Hormones called endorphins function in the body as natural analgesics or stress relievers. The body responds locally when an acupuncturist places needles into the skin’s surface. This reaction increases blood flow to that part of the body, which causes endorphins to be released. This endorphin release can balance energy levels, enhance blood flow, and relieve tension headaches and migraines.

2. Helps to Deal with Inflammation

Acupuncture causes small invisible micro-wounds on the body which allows your immune system to create a response against inflammation.

3. Relaxes the Mind

Although most people find this procedure painless, it’s normal to be nervous about having needles in or near your head or face. An acupuncture needle is thinner, which helps to heal and calm your mind.

4. Relieves Stress

Acupuncture for anxiety depression calms the central nervous system, which helps reduce stress. In order to reduce anxiety, it can control the production of stress-related hormones and balance mood.

5. Improves Immunity

You might easily catch infections such as colds and allergies as depression weakens your immunity. acupuncture can help improve your immunity by encouraging the body to produce T-cells which help to kill the harmful bacteria. 

6. Better than Harmful Medications

Acupuncture doesn’t cause any harm to your body, which makes it better for anxiety. It is a natural way to fight your anxiety and depression. Even though it is safe, you should take the advice of a certified professional before getting acupuncture. 

Advice When Going for an Acupuncture Treatment for Depression

Let’s examine some actions you can take to get ready for an acupuncture depression treatment:

1. Take Advice from a Doctor

It is important to take advice from a doctor about any medications that you are taking. Certain medicines do not go well with acupuncture. Tell your doctor about any medications you take or any health issues that you are facing.

2. Avoid Eating a Heavy Meal

Take only light meals before getting the best acupuncture for anxiety depression. It is best to eat a small meal or snack before your appointment.

3. Wear Loose Clothing

You need to remove your shoes and jewelry during the treatment. Dress comfortably so that you can freely move your body. This will help you feel comfortable and make it easier to place the needles.

Herbal Essential Oils for Anxiety Depression at Bonafide Acupuncture & Herbs 

1. Abundant Emperor

This essential oil has the benefits of Chinese Medicine and consists of organic ingredients. It helps to deal with anxiety, inability to sleep, thirst, sweating, and bleeding gums. Using this oil to massage your heart region can help to clear your heart fire and calms Shen. 

2. Peaceful Cycle (Blends)

This herbal Chinese medicine helps to control the flow of energy that goes to the Liver. It is useful for cramps, frequent mood swings and bloating that happens usually before your menstrual cycle. However, you should consult your healthcare provider for the use during your pregnancy. 

3. Singles Peppermint

This refreshing and cooling peppermint oil helps improve your mood and builds a better mental focus. This oil helps you feel calm when you experience anger. However, you should avoid using this oil near your eyes, mouth, and areas of skin damage. 

You can massage these oils to get the best results for relief from anxiety and depression. After all, a healthy mind resides in a healthy body!

Bonafide Acupuncture & Herbs: The Best Acupuncture for Anxiety Depression

Say yes to beginning a new chapter in your life that is full of happiness and peace! Bonafide Acupuncture & Herbs provide the best acupuncture for anxiety depression for your journey to better health and well-being. We adapt our treatment to suit your needs and address your symptoms. Feel free to explore our acupuncture treatments!