Improve Your Quality of Life with Ultimate Guide to Acupuncture for Migraine and Headache in Staten Island!

April 29, 2024

Improve Your Quality of Life with Ultimate Guide to Acupuncture for Migraine and Headache in Staten Island!

“ Master the Art of Acupuncture to Live a Happier and Pain-Free Life.”

Are you fed up with sleepless nights due to headaches?

Are you taking pills and applying creams, but still your head keeps paining? 

In the present times, headache has become a common health concern. Right from the time you step into your home, you feel that your head starts paining. If you have tried many ways to deal with your headaches and still not able to fix it, it’s time to shift to acupuncture. Yes, you got it right! This age-old practice is a part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine. Step into a peaceful space where you open the doors to healing your mind and body. Migraine can spoil your mood and lower your productivity, but no more! Embark on the journey to discover the miracles of acupuncture and learn how it helps to maintain your health and well-being. In this blog, you can learn about acupuncture points for treating headaches, the benefits of getting acupuncture for migraine headaches in Staten Island from Bonafide Acupuncture & Herbs, and their Chinese Medicine that helps to deal with headaches. 

“Break Free from the Chains of Headache and Welcome Peace into Your Lives.”

Dive Deep into the Different Acupuncture Points that Treat Headache

In Chinese medicine, the life force flows through fourteen channels or meridians in our bodies. Having a healthy mind, body and soul depends on this life force, also known as Qi, flowing smoothly. Numerous pressure points along these meridians aid in restoring the energy flow in the event of a disruption. Due to their use in acupuncture, these pressure points are also referred to as acupoints. Acupuncturists treat headaches and migraines with these pressure points.

An acupuncturist can assist in pain relief by introducing hair-like needles into these acupressure points for headaches. It is common for acupressure to employ acupuncture points. The only distinction is that acupressure solely employs physical pressure to stimulate these points, whereas acupuncture uses tiny needles to do the same. Experts claim that the human body contains a minimum of five acupuncture points for headache and migraine. These acupuncture points consist of the following:

  • The Third Eye: It is the region in the middle of your eyebrows. 
  • Drilling Bamboo: On the inside of each eyebrow, the brow bone and nose bridge meet. 
  • Gates of Consciousness: in the hollow spaces on either side of the spine directly below the base of the skull.
  • Shoulder Well: the space between the base of the neck and the shoulder joint.
  • Union Valley or Hegu: On the loose skin between the thumb and index finger, there is a region known as Union Valley or Hegu.

Live a Stress-Free Life with Acupuncture for Headaches in Staten Island from Bonafide Acupuncture & Herbs 

Here are some benefits of getting acupuncture for migraine and headaches in Staten Island  from Bonafide Acupuncture & Herbs: 

  • Maintains the Harmony of Your Body

Many of us are drawn to natural solutions that support our body’s natural healing capacities when it comes to health. During an acupuncture session at Bonafide Acupuncture & Herbs, tiny hair-thin needles are carefully inserted into particular acupoints along the body’s meridians or energy pathways. The needles help restore harmony and balance to the body. 

  • Meets Your Individual Needs

Since every person’s experience with hormonal migraines is different, what works for one person might not work for another. The flexibility and individualized nature of acupressure for migraine and headaches are what makes it so beautiful. A licensed acupuncturist will take the time to learn about your unique migraine patterns, triggers, and medical background when you consult with them. The acupuncturist develops a treatment plan based on the assessment.

  • Pain Relief

    By releasing endorphins, the body’s natural analgesics, acupuncture helps reduce migraine pain. Serotonin levels, which are linked to mood, are also impacted by the method. Furthermore, by invigorating the circulatory system, acupuncture can lessen headache pain.

    Say No to Headaches with Chinese Herbal Medicine at Bonafide Acupuncture and Herbs


    This herbal medicine has the following effects:
Bonafide Acupuncture | Improve Your Quality of Life with Ultimate Guide to Acupuncture for Migraine and Headache in Staten Island!


  • Reduces LDL cholesterol and increases HDL cholesterol while also having anti-inflammatory properties and supporting brain function.
  •  Beneficial for the management of autoimmune diseases osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, PMS, psychological stress learning and behavioral disorders (ADD ADHD), asthma, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, eczema, psoriasis, lupus, migraine, headaches, and cardiovascular disease.

Bonafide Acupuncture | Improve Your Quality of Life with Ultimate Guide to Acupuncture for Migraine and Headache in Staten Island!


This herbal medicine and acupressure for migraine and headaches has the following effects:

  • Addresses the symptoms of a food intolerance such as diarrhoea, GERD, heartburn, cramping, bloating and intestinal gas.
  • Decreases intestinal inflammation by acting against TNF.
  • Breaks down foreign proteins aiding in intestinal healing.
  •  Provides support for the breakdown of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates by a wide range of enzymes.
  • You can use it to manage gluten sensitivity.

Bonafide Acupuncture | Improve Your Quality of Life with Ultimate Guide to Acupuncture for Migraine and Headache in Staten Island!


This herbal medicine has the following effects:

Relaxes the Liver, controls the Liver Qi, releases tension and soothes the Shen.

Signs and symptoms of liver Qi stagnation include headaches, constipation, dysmenorrhea, emotional frustrations, tense muscles and frequent sighing.

Applications: Apply to the neck, scalp, and upper back using a carrier oil. Massage in a downward motion towards GB 44 along the Gallbladder channel.

Start Your Healing Journey with Bonafide Acupuncture & Herbs!

A comprehensive strategy for treating migraines and headaches can be found in acupuncture. It addresses the immediate symptoms and works towards long-term prevention and overall health improvement. Our knowledgeable practitioners at Bonafide Acupuncture & Herbs provide acupressure therapy in Manhattan to treat the underlying causes of headaches and migraines, offering durable relief without the need for drugs or intrusive procedures. 

Massage concept with relaxed woman

Figure 5acupressure therapy in Manhattan

1. How Can acupuncture treat my headache?

Indeed, treating headaches with acupuncture for migraine and headaches in Staten Island can be beneficial. It functions by applying pressure to specific points on the body, which promotes blood circulation and the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers.

2. How many acupuncture sessions are necessary to treat a headache?

Depending on the patient’s condition and response to treatment, a different number of acupuncture sessions may be required for headache relief. Often a treatment plan would begin with several sessions (once or twice a week) and then as symptoms get better progressively cut back on the frequency. It is crucial to have a customized treatment plan that meets your individual requirements.

3. Is acupuncture effective in treating migraines?

Acupuncture for migraine and headaches is highly effective in treating migraines. It can reduce the chances of getting a migraine. Acupuncture is a valuable and effective treatment option for migraines, though individual results may vary.