Say Goodbye to Pain & Discomfort with Classical Chinese acupuncture for Back Pain!

May 30, 2024

Say Goodbye to Pain & Discomfort with Classical Chinese acupuncture for Back Pain!

“ Discover the Power of  Acupuncture to Restore Your Muscle Flexibility and Embrace Healthier Living.”

Do you feel a sudden pain in your back when you lower your upper body down to pick up your groceries?

Is your athletic performance in sports events being affected by your lower back pain?

If your answer is yes, it’s time to strengthen your muscles and joints! Your muscles are the pillar of a healthy and happier life. Whether you work day and night to meet your work deadlines or look after your home chores, your back pain can lower your productivity. Don’t let the stress and anxiety of your back pain affect your quality of life. If you are struggling to find a remedy and modern techniques still disappoint you, step back into the wealth of ancient roots! Classical Chinese acupuncture for Back Pain can help you to improve the flexibility of your muscles and enjoy an active lifestyle. In this blog, you can dive deeper into the causes of back pain according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, reasons to get an acupuncture session for back pain relief, tips for managing back pain with traditional Chinese medicine for back pain, and interesting details about Chinese medicine for back pain from Bonafide Acupuncture & Herbs.

Causes of Back Pain According to Traditional Chinese Medicine

Back pain arises due to an imbalance in Qi or the body’s energy flow, according to traditional Chinese medicine for back pain. There are several possible causes for these imbalances, including:

  • Emotional strain:

    Pain can result from Qi becoming stagnant due to emotions like worry, anger, anxiety, and depression.
  • Unbalanced diet

    Consuming an excessive amount of sweet, oily, or spicy food can cause the body to retain heat and moisture, which can cause pain.
  • Absence of exercise or movement:

    Sedentary living can lead to blood and Qi stagnation in the body, which can aggravate back pain.
  • Environmental factors:

    Being in cold, wet, or windy weather can block Qi and cause pain.
  • Qi stagnation:

    Back pain and discomfort can result from an irregular flow of Qi and blood within the body.

Why Consider Acupuncture for the Chinese Treatment for Back Pain?

People who experience any kind of back pain look for a way to make it better. Findings of research show that acupuncture can be a useful treatment for back pain as it can lessen discomfort and enhance function in people with persistent lower back pain. You should think about getting acupuncture for the Chinese treatment for back pain due to the following reasons:

1. It releases natural opioids and healing chemicals

The benefits of endorphins and serotonin are released into a patient’s muscles, spinal cord, and brain when acupuncture stimulates the central nervous system. These substances help reduce your back pain by facilitating the body’s natural release of opioids, which are chemicals that specifically aid in reducing pain. Acupuncture therapy stimulates the body’s inner healing abilities and supports both physical and emotional well-being.

2. It modifies the brain’s chemical makeup

Chinese treatment for back pain works by altering the chemistry of the brain. Neurotransmitters that either stimulate or inhibit nerve impulses, as well as neurohormones that enhance bodily functions, are released in different amounts during treatment, contributing to alterations in the brain. These compounds have the potential to modify how you perceive pain.

3. It clears blockages within the body

Based on traditional Chinese medicine for back pain, acupuncture treats pain as a result of blocked energy channels. These obstructions can be cleared with acupuncture treatment, facilitating more easily distributed energy throughout the body and promoting general well-being.

blockages within the body

Preventative Strategies Using Yoga and Traditional Chinese Medicine For Back Pain

You can avoid sports injuries by combining yoga with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Here are some TCM and yoga-based recommendations for avoiding sports injuries:

  • Keep your Qi in Balance

    TCM states that keeping your Qi balanced is crucial to avoiding injuries. A balanced Qi can be maintained by eating a nutritious diet, getting enough sleep, exercising frequently, and limiting stress. Yoga can be used to develop Qi balance by focusing on full breathing and meditation.
  • Maintains Your Kidney Health

    Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) focuses on the importance of strengthening the kidneys to prevent injuries. Yoga poses like twists and backbends can help improve your kidney health.
  • Warming and Cooling of the Body

    Qi Gong and Tai Chi are traditional Chinese exercises that help warm up and cool down the body. This helps prepare the body for physical activity and lowers the risk of injury. Yoga poses can also be used as a warm-up and cool-down.

Chinese medicine for Back Pain from Bonafide Acupuncture & Herbs

1. AC-Q Tablets ( Health Concerns)

The healing effect of thisChinese medicine for back pain is that it treats pain in the joints and muscles that is accompanied by weakness in the back, hips,  and legs, particularly after a stroke. It treats degenerative conditions such as arthritis that impair strength and movement. Along with use for trauma and sports injuries, it’s also helpful for fibromyalgia. It helps enhance stagnant blood flow, opens up the channels, and eases discomfort.

AC-Q Tablets

 2. Support Foundation (Meridian Biologix)

Support Foundation promotes and warms kidney yang, strengthens kidney qi, and supports the lumbar spine. The indication for this back pain is a kidney qi deficiency, which manifests as knee and lower back weakness, weariness, and persistent lower back pain and stiffness. 

Support Foundation

3. Tiger Balm Pain Relieving Ointment

Pains from overdoing it sprains, arthritis, joint discomfort, backaches and stiffness can all be relieved with Tiger Balm. Tiger Balm is sold all over the world and has been in use for almost a century.

Tiger Balm Pain

Strengthen Your Back with the Healing Power of Bonafide Acupuncture & Herbs!

Acupuncture is a safe and efficient method of treating back pain. Acupuncture can assist in releasing stress and pain from the muscles and joints by stimulating particular points in the body. You can live a happier and healthier life with Chinese massage and acupuncture treatment and herbal remedies by licensed acupuncturists at Bonafide Acupuncture & Herbs. Start your healing journey with Bonafide Acupuncture & Herbs today!